Saturday, March 20, 2010

More Vista Print Deals

The ideas just keep coming.  Here are a few more of my Vista Print projects.  I used a "Rack Card" template to create labels for my plain, white book boxes.  I will put the student's picture on the blue rectangle and his/her name on the blue stripe at the bottom.  You get 50 cards which I will probably not need because I plan to reuse these from year to year if I can.  I may just cut off the top part of the extras and use the bottom part for other projects. I'm still thinking about the possibilities.  

I also made a cute personalized notepad. You can never have too many of those! :)

Projects Made From Small Car Magnet Templates

I love, love, love these big magnets.  There are so many possibilities especially since I can use them on the brand new, magnetic white board I will have in my new classroom next year. I will also use some of them on our classroom door and any other magnetic surface I can find. :)

I plan to put the "Student of the Month's" picture on this magnet and display it on our classroom door.

More Vista ideas coming soon!


  1. Hello,
    Movies pander to our wild senses, titillate our innermost emotions and just pep up our lives. Movies are today just a mini caricature of our real life. In a very big way, the real life has transformed and this is portrayed on the celluloid nowadays

  2. I'm so glad I found your blog. I have been trying to figure out what other ideas can I use with the Vista Print products. Thanks for the ideas.
